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What Is Onychophagia?

Question- What is:   unattractive  annoying...AND damaging to your teeth? Onychophagia   is simply defined as n ail biting. So, why do it? More importantly, how do you stop it? A (really) Bad Habit Over 20% of the world's population are compulsive nail biters. That means one out of five people are affected by this disorder. Typically, nail biting is triggered by stress, excitement, or even boredom. It can also be a learned behavior from family members. Nail biting is the most common of the typical “nervous habits,” along with thumb sucking, hair pulling or twisting. Fingernails are a vacation home of bacteria and germs. Your nails are nearly twice as dirty as your fingertips. Biting them just invites illnesses and numerous other health problems. Nail biting can also cause damage to the gums. Chewed-off nails are often swallowed and may become lodged between teeth. This can allow additional germs and infections to set in (gingivitis, anyone?).